1. NAN SWAA A 267/11/1 1956: Report of the Commission for the Preservation of Bushmen in South West Africa.
2. Amupadhi, T. 2004. New Haiǁom Traditional Authority eyes Etosha. The Namibian 29.7.2004, https://www.namibian.com.na/new-hai-om-traditional-authority-eyes-etosha/
3. E.H.A. [Etosha Haiǁom Association] Committee 2011. Letter E.H.A. to Minister of Environment and Tourism, Honorable Minister Mrs. Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, cc’d to Ministry of Lands and Resettlement, Millennium Challenge Account, Namibia Wildlife Resorts, Haiǁom Traditional Authority, Office of the Prime Minister, San Development Programme, The Legal Assistance Centre.
4. High Court of Namibia 2019. Tsumib and Others versus Government of the Republic of Namibia and Others (A206/2015[2019]) NAHCMD 312 (28.8.2019) (Tsumib).
5. Jan Tsumib and 8 others v Government of the Republic of Namibia and 19 others, Case Number A206/2015.