5. Augustus De Morgan


Verburgt Lukas1ORCID


1. Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences


Augustus De Morgan’s work on mathematics and logic in the mid-nineteenth century is familiar to historians of both disciplines. What is less known is his work on scientific method, where he went against the grain of the dominant English view of knowledge, embodied most prominently by his former teacher William Whewell. De Morgan argued that in so far as induction rests upon probability, mathematics rather than observation is the motor of scientific progress. Drawing on De Morgan’s published work as well as on unpublished sources, such as his correspondence with Whewell, this chapter examines De Morgan’s meta-scientific views. What emerges is a rounded picture of De Morgan as a pioneer of a new probabilistic image of human knowledge that challenged the prevailing orthodoxy.


Open Book Publishers

Reference651 articles.

1. The Business of Induction: Industry and Genius in the Language of British Scientific Reform, 1820–1840;Alborn, Timothy L.;History of Science,1996

2. The calculating eye: Baily, Herschel, Babbage and the business of astronomy;Ashworth, William J.;The British Journal for the History of Science,1994

3. Memory, Efficiency, and Symbolic Analysis: Charles Babbage, John Herschel, and the Industrial Mind;Ashworth, William J.;Isis,1996

4. ―, The Trinity Circle: Anxiety, Intelligence and Knowledge Creation in Nineteenth-Century England (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021). https://doi.org/10.2307/ j.ctv1tgx06p

5. Bellone, Enrico, A World on Paper: Studies on the Second Scientific Revolution (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1980 [1976]).








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