1. NAN, SWAA 1068, A138/22, C. Ross and J.C Fick, Report on visit to South West Africa, Section Soil Conservation and Extension, 31.7.1951.
2. Africare 1993. Rural Water Supply Maintenance in the Kunene Region, Republic of Namibia. Windhoek: Unpublished report to the Africa Bureau of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
3. NAN BAC HN5/1/3/18 Kantoor van die Hoofnaturellekommissaris, WDK Naturellesake Omsendbrief Nr. 17 of 1955, 26.8.1955.
4. NAN BOP 5 N1/15/6/8 Notule van Vergadering met Hoofmanne, 20 to 23.3.1962.
5. NAN BAC HN5/1/3/18, numerous files on the planning, registration and tendering of boreholes.