1. NAN SWAA 2513 Inspection Report: Kaokoveld Native Reserve: September-October 1949, by Native Commissioner Ovamboland [Pritchard Eedes, ‘Nakale’], Ondangua 10.10.1949.
2. ǁGaroëb, J. 1991 Address to the National Conference on Land Reform and the Land Question. Windhoek: Office of the Prime Minister.
3. NAN SWAA Inspection of the Kaokoveld by Agricultural Officer. 6.2.1952.
4. NAN SWAA A 511/1, 1956-58. de la Bat.
5. NAN SWAA A 511/6, vol. 4 Game Reserves: Boundaries and Fencing 1958-1959. Secretary to Administrator, 26.8.1958.