1. Arnim, Ludwig Achim von, Achim von Arnim und die ihm nahe standen, ed. by Reinhold Steig and Herman Grimm, 3 vols (Stuttgart: Cotta, 1894–1913).
2. ––– Arnim-Bibliographie, ed. by Otto Mallon (Berlin: Späth, 1925, repr. Hildesheim: Olms, 1965).
3. Arnold, Matthew, ‘Superior or University Instruction in Prussia’, in Schools and Universities on the Continent, ed. by R. H. Super, The Complete Prose Works (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1979).
4. Askania. Zeitschrift für Leben, Litteratur und Kunst, ed. by Wilhelm Müller (Dessau: Ackermann, 1820).
5. Athenaeurn, ed. byAugust Wilhelm and Friedrich Schlegel, 3 vols (Berlin: Vieweg, 1798, Unger,1799–1800).