Impaired respiratory burst contributes to infections in PKCδ-deficient patients


Neehus Anna-Lena123ORCID,Moriya Kunihiko12ORCID,Nieto-Patlán Alejandro1245ORCID,Le Voyer Tom12ORCID,Lévy Romain126ORCID,Özen Ahmet7ORCID,Karakoc-Aydiner Elif7ORCID,Baris Safa7ORCID,Yildiran Alisan8ORCID,Altundag Engin9ORCID,Roynard Manon12ORCID,Haake Kathrin3ORCID,Migaud Mélanie12ORCID,Dorgham Karim10ORCID,Gorochov Guy10ORCID,Abel Laurent1211ORCID,Lachmann Nico3ORCID,Dogu Figen12ORCID,Haskologlu Sule12ORCID,İnce Erdal13ORCID,El-Benna Jamel1415ORCID,Uzel Gulbu16ORCID,Kiykim Ayca1718ORCID,Boztug Kaan19202122ORCID,Roderick Marion R.23ORCID,Shahrooei Mohammad2425ORCID,Brogan Paul A.26ORCID,Abolhassani Hassan2728ORCID,Hancioglu Gonca8ORCID,Parvaneh Nima2928ORCID,Belot Alexandre30ORCID,Ikinciogullari Aydan12ORCID,Casanova Jean-Laurent121131ORCID,Puel Anne1211ORCID,Bustamante Jacinta121132ORCID


1. Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Necker Branch, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale UMR 1163, Paris, France

2. University of Paris, Imagine Institute, Paris, France

3. Institute of Experimental Hematology, REBIRTH Research Center for Translational and Regenerative Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany

4. Research and Development in Bioprocess Unit, National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City, Mexico

5. National Laboratory for Specialized Services of Investigation, Development and Innovation for Pharma Chemicals and Biotechnological Products, LANSEIDI-FarBiotec-CONACyT, Mexico City, Mexico

6. Pediatric Hematology-Immunology Unit, Necker Hospital for Sick Children, Paris, France

7. Department of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Marmara University, School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey

8. Department of Pediatric Immunology and Allergy, Ondokuz Mayıs University School of Medicine, Samsun, Turkey

9. Department of Medical Genetics, Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Samsun, Turkey

10. Sorbonne University, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Center for Immunology and Microbial Infections, CIMI-Paris, Assistance Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Department of Immunology, Paris, France

11. St. Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Rockefeller Branch, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY

12. Department of Pediatric Immunology and Allergy, Ankara University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

13. Department of Pediatric Infectious Disease, Ankara University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

14. University of Paris, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médical U1149, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-ERL8252, Paris, France

15. Center for Research on Inflammation, Laboratory of Excellence Inflamex, Faculty of Medicine, Xavier Bichat, Paris, France

16. Laboratory of Clinical Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

17. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Marmara University Pediatric Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

18. Division of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Cerrahpasa School of Medicine, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey

19. CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria

20. St. Anna Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

21. Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases, Vienna, Austria

22. St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria

23. Pediatric Immunology and Infectious Disease, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol, UK

24. Specialized Immunology Laboratory of Dr. Shahrooei, Sina Medical Complex, Ahvaz, Iran

25. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Clinical and Diagnostic Immunology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

26. Infection, Inflammation, and Rheumatology Section, Infection, Immunity, Inflammation and Physiological Medicine Programme, University College London Institute of Child Health, London, UK

27. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology, Karolinska Institute at Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden

28. Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

29. Department of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

30. Reference Center for Rare Rheumatic and Autoimmune Diseases in Children, Pediatric Rheumatology, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale U1111, UMS3444/US8 Lyon University, Lyon, France

31. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, New York, NY

32. Center for the Study of Primary Immunodeficiencies, Necker Hospital for Sick Children, Assistance Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France


Patients with autosomal recessive protein kinase C δ (PKCδ) deficiency suffer from childhood-onset autoimmunity, including systemic lupus erythematosus. They also suffer from recurrent infections that overlap with those seen in patients with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), a disease caused by defects of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase and a lack of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. We studied an international cohort of 17 PKCδ-deficient patients and found that their EBV-B cells and monocyte-derived phagocytes produced only small amounts of ROS and did not phosphorylate p40phox normally after PMA or opsonized Staphylococcus aureus stimulation. Moreover, the patients’ circulating phagocytes displayed abnormally low levels of ROS production and markedly reduced neutrophil extracellular trap formation, altogether suggesting a role for PKCδ in activation of the NADPH oxidase complex. Our findings thus show that patients with PKCδ deficiency have impaired NADPH oxidase activity in various myeloid subsets, which may contribute to their CGD-like infectious phenotype.


Yale Center for Mendelian Genomics

National Human Genome Research Institute

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

National Center for Research Resources

National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences

National Institutes of Health

Rockefeller University

St. Giles Foundation


University of Paris

French Foundation for Medical Research

Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory of Excellence

SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science

French National Research Agency

Bettencourt Schueller Foundation

Imagine Institute

Japanese Foundation for Pediatric Research


Société Nationale Française de Médecine Interne


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

National Institute for Health Research

Biomedical Research Centre

Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

REBIRTH Center for Translational Regenerative Medicine


Rockefeller University Press


Immunology,Immunology and Allergy







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