Dual role of the p75 tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor in TNF cytotoxicity.


Bigda J1,Beletsky I1,Brakebusch C1,Varfolomeev Y1,Engelmann H1,Bigda J1,Holtmann H1,Wallach D1


1. Department of Membrane Research and Biophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.


Whereas there is ample evidence for involvement of the p55 tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor (p55-R) in the cytocidal effect of TNF, the role of the p75 TNF receptor (p75-R) in this effect is a matter of debate. In this study, we probed the function of p75-R in cells sensitive to the cytotoxicity of TNF using a wide panel of antibodies (Abs) against the receptor's extracellular domain. Two distinct Ab effects were observed. The Abs triggered signaling for cytotoxicity. This effect: (a) was correlated with the extent of p75-R expression by the cells; (b) was dependent on receptor cross-linking by the Abs; (c) occurred in HeLa cells, but not in A9 cells transfected with human p75-R or in HeLa cells expressing cytoplasmically truncated p75-R mutants, indicating that it involves cell-specific activities of the intracellular domain of the receptor; (d) was synergistic with the cytocidal effect of Abs against p55-R. Moreover, it seemed to reverse induced desensitization to the cytocidal effect of anti p55-R Abs, suggesting that it involves mechanisms different from those of the signaling by the p55 TNF-R. In addition, the Abs affected the response to TNF in a way that does not involve the signaling activity of p75-R. These effects: (a) could be observed also in cells in which only p55-R signaled for the cytocidal effect; (b) were not dependent on receptor cross-linking by the Abs; (c) varied according to the site at which the Abs bound to the receptor; and (d) were correlated inversely with the effects of the Abs on TNF binding to p75-R. That is, Abs binding to the membrane-distal part of the receptor's extracellular domain displaced TNF from the p75 receptor and enhanced cytocidal effect, whereas Abs that bind to the membrane-proximal part of the extracellular domain--a region at which a conformational change seems to take place upon TNF binding--decreased the dissociation of TNF from p75-R and inhibited its cytocidal effect. The above findings suggest that p75-R contributes to the cytocidal effect of TNF both by its own signaling and by regulating the access of TNF to p55-R.


Rockefeller University Press


Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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