1. Mark J Bolland MBChB, Registrar, Department of Endocrinology, Auckland Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand
2. Warwick Bagg MD, Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Auckland; Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Auckland Hospital
3. Mark G Thomas MD, Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology, University of Auckland; Physician, Department of Infectious Diseases, Auckland Hospital
4. Jennifer A Lucas MBChB, Lecturer in Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Auckland; Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Auckland Hospital; Research Fellow in Bone Disease, Department of Medicine, University of Auckland
5. Rob Ticehurst BSc Hons, Senior Pharmacist, Pharmacy Department, Auckland Hospital
6. Peter N Black MBChB, Associate Professor of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine, University of Auckland; Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Auckland Hospital