Clinical Experience with Ranolazine in a Veteran Population with Chronic Stable Angina


Reeder Don N1,Gillette Michael A2,Franck Andrew J3,Frohnapple David J4


1. Don N Reeder PharmD, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Gainesville, FL

2. Michael A Gillette PharmD BCPS, Post-Doctoral Fellow in Cardiology and Critical Care, Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center; College of Pharmacy, University of Florida, Gainesville

3. Andrew J Franck PharmD BCPS, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center

4. David J Frohnapple PharmD BCPS BCNSP, Director, Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Cardiology/Critical Care and Post-Graduate Year 2 Critical Care Residency; Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Medical Intensive Care Unit/Total Parenteral Nutrition Service, Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center


BACKGROUND: Efficacy of ranolazine in the treatment of chronic stable angina (CSA) has been established; however, pivotal trials did not require the optimization of conventional antianginal drug therapy (CADT) prior to use in a veteran population. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether ranolazine, when added to optimized doses of CADT, improves angina in a veteran population with CSA and refractory symptoms. METHODS: In an observational retrospective study, 35 patients prescribed ranolazine and having a baseline Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) administered at a Veterans Affairs medical center in Gainesville, FL, were evaluated. Patients who were prescribed ranolazine by a provider from outside the institution and did not obtain a baseline SAQ were excluded. The primary outcome measure was the change in SAQ scores from baseline to 1 and 3 months after initiation of ranolazine treatment. Secondary measures included clinically significant QTc interval prolongation (>500 msec or an increase of at least 60 msec from baseline), adverse drug reactions, discontinuation rates, and drug-drug interactions. RESULTS: The addition of ranolazine to optimized CADT was associated with improvement in all dimensions of the SAQ scores at 1 and 3 months compared to baseline scores (p < 0.001 for all dimensions). Mean changes in SAQ dimension scores at 1 and 3 months, respectively, were as follows: physical limitation, +9.86 and +11.94; angina stability, +39.29 and +32.69; angina frequency, +26.79 and +25.38; treatment satisfaction, +11.38 and +10.66; and disease perception, +16.85 and +18.59. Improvments in all dimensions, except treatment satisfaction, were clinically significant as defined by set criteria. Of the 7 patients whose ranolazine dosages were increased to 1000 mg twice daily, only 2 patients were able to maintain treatment at that dosage. CONCLUSIONS: Ranolazine added to optimized doses of CADT demonstrated an improvement in angina symptoms when given to a veteran population with persistent CSA.


SAGE Publications


Pharmacology (medical)

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