Algorithm of medical and psychological support for servicewomen, ATO/JFO female veterans


Kozhyna Hanna,Steblyuk Vsevolod,Zelenska Kateryna,Pronoza-Steblyuk Kateryna


The psychotherapeutic program included targeted use of cognitive-behavioral therapy, personality-oriented therapy, biosuggestion, non-directive Rogerian psychotherapy, art therapy, biofeedback, trauma-focused therapy, EMDR. PTSD coping strategies program was used for the military Pucelik Consulting Group. The psychotherapeutic intervention was aimed at the affective reappraisal of the traumatic experience; correction of behavioral patterns associated with combat stress; development of skills for mastering anxiety and emotional reactions, constructive forms of cognitive and emotional response in the face of changing life stereotypes; return to a peaceful life. An important component of the program of medical and psychological support is psychoeducation. It is aim: to develop an adequate system of conceptions about the consequences of combat stress and peculiarities of adjustment reactions during changes of life stereotype; to understand the main consequences and psychopathological reactions caused by psychic trauma; to train in methods of mastering the consequences of combat mental trauma, to learn basic self-help techniques for intrusive memories, alarming paroxysms, skills of self-regulation and self-management for own mental state. A complex system of medical and psychological support for servicewomen at the stage of readaptation to a peaceful life after demobilization should be aimed at reducing the level of emotional tension; affective reassessment of traumatic experiences; the formation of a positive attitude towards the future; correction of experiences associated with changes in life stereotype (feeling of helplessness, difficulties associated with social adaptation), creation of a new cognitive model of life; family psychotherapy and spousal psychocorrection; medical assistance in case of stress-related disorders.


Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine

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