Stem hemorrhagic stroke: opportunities for rehabilitation


Stadnik Sergii,Saiko Oleksii


The most severe and disabling among various types of cerebrovascular accidents are hemorrhages. High mortality in hemorrhagic stroke is due to the possible development of a generalized convulsive syndrome, accompanied by respiratory failure; a cascade of irreversible biological reactions (dislocation syndrome with wedging, ventricular system hemotamponade with the formation of acute obstructive hydrocephalus); the development of complications associated with forced immobilization of the patient or connecting to a ventilator. The diagnosis of cerebral stem strokes is highly relevant due to the increase in their prevalence in the structure of cerebrovascular diseases. With stem strokes, the prognosis of the disease is worse than with strokes of any other localization, which is explained by the location of many vital centers in these structures. The paper highlights the classification and clinical manifestations of hemorrhages in the brain stem, substantiates the feasibility of rehabilitation measures at all periods of the disease. The use of early individual rehabilitation complex treatment can improve the results of therapy of deeply located hematomas, reducing disability and mortality of patients. The article presents the clinical case of a patient with a stem hemorrhagic stroke, in which, against the background of drug therapy and rehabilitation measures developed according to an individual program, self-care skills and working capacity were fully restored. Key words: hemorrhagic stroke (hemorrhage), stem stroke, hemorrhage in pons, rehabilitation


Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine

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