Tsymbaliuk Vitalii,Posokhov Mykola,Suprun Elina
Based on a review of the literature, modern problems of neurosurgical treatment of craniocerebral injuries that occur, including during hostilities, are considered, most of which are patients with concussion and mild brain contusions, that is, mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). It has been shown that patients with MTBI need special attention due to the underestimation of their condition and the inadequacy of treatment and rehabilitation in the acute period, which significantly aggravates the prognosis of the long-term period. The analysis of existing ideas about the pathogenesis of the formation of clinical, immunological and neuroendocrine disorders, the ratio of focal organic and neurodynamic disorders at different times of the remote period of MTBI was carried out, which will allow developing effective algorithms for diagnostic examination, medical observation of such patients to improve treatment results and prevent social and household maladaptation.
Key words: traumatic brain injury, injury severity, diagnostic accuracy, clinical decision rule
Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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