Clinical-psychopathological and medical-social characteristics of patients with endogenous psychoses with an episodic course in the context of post-manifestation pathopersonological transformations


Khomitskyi Mykola


The determination of the nosological affi liation of a separate clinical case in the group of endogenous psychoses is a decisive factor in adequate psychopharmacotherapy. The clinical aspects of post-manifestation pathopersonological transformations of endo genous psychosis with an episodic course remain the least studied and require study to improve the quality of diff erential diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of personal characteristics, types of attitude toward the disease and adaptability of patients with schizophrenia and schizoaff ective disorder. On the basis of the Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine), 312 patients were examined, among them 102 patients with aff ective disorders; 102 patients suffering from schizoaffective disorder and 108 patients diagnosed with schizo phrenia, paranoid form, episodic course. The main research methods were clinical-psychopathological, clinical-follow-up, clinical-anamnestic and medical-social, as well as medicalstatistical analysis. The study revealed signs and nosospecific diff erences in indicators of social (labor and family) maladjustment, as well as positive, negative and general psychopathological disorders (according to PANSS) in endogenous psychoses with an episodic course, confi rming the presence of post-manifestation pathopersonological transformations. In the group of endogenous psychosis with an episodic course, pathopersonological transformations in schizoaff ective disorder are characterized by the most complex structure and are a nosospecific marker. Further studies of remission/intermission in endo genous psychosis open up the possibility of developing a differential diagnostic system and algorithms for providing personalized medical and rehabilitation care. Keywords: schizoaffective disorder, affective disorders, schizophrenia, clinic, social maladjustment, differential diagnosis, pathopersonological transformations


Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine

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