Interrelation of clinical-anamnestic, medical-biological and neurocognitive characteristics of maladaptation in remission as a component of pathopersonological transformations in patients with schizoaffective disorder


Khomitskyi Mykola


The aim of the study was to study the interrelation between clinical, medical, biological and neurocognitive characteristics of maladaptation (as a component of pathopersonological transformations) in patients with schizoaffective disorder in remission. On the basis of the Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine) 102 persons with the established diagnosis of “schizoaffective disorder” were examined. Diagnosis was per formed according to the International ICD-10. The mandatory criteria for inclusion in the study were the presence of a condition of clinical remission with reduction of psychotic symptoms and the absence of severe somatic and neurological pathology, abuse of psychoactive substances. The main methods of the study were clinical psychopathological, psychodiagnostical, clinical-anamnestic and clinical-cathamnestic as well as medi cal and statistical analysis. The study established the presence and regularities of conjugation of clinical, medical, biological, and neurocognitive characteristics of maladaptation (as a component of pathopersonological transformations) in patients with schizoaffective disorder in remission. The structure of neurocognitive deficits in schizoaffective disorder in remission is related to the clinical type of the disease, the sex, the duration of the pathological process, and the characteristics of psychopharmacological treatment. The established regularities emphasize the importance of neurocognitive disorders in the structure of pathopersonological transformations and can be used in the formation of the system of diagnostic and treatment and rehabilitation measures to improve the quality of differential diagnosis and to carry out preventive and therapeutic rehabilitation measures to reduce the level of social maladaptation of patients with schizoaffective disorder. Keywords: schizoaffective disorder, clinic, neurocognition, social maladaptation, pathopersonalogical transformations


Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine

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