Clinical and pathogenetic features and correction of hyperkinetic disorders in vegetative dysfunctions


Kolesnik Olena


One of the early syndromes in vascular pathology is motor disorders in the form of tremor. We examined 101 patients with cerebral dystonia on the background of chronic cerebral ischemia with compensated and subcompensated stages (n = 55) and autonomic dystonia syndrome (n = 46). Pathological mechanisms of formation of trembling hyperkinesis in cerebral angiodystonia of different etiology have been studied. Participation in these processes of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is established. It is proved that the severity of this type of motor disorders depends on the condition of the ANS at different levels of its organization, especially on the background of sympathicotonic effects, as well as the vegetative characteristics of the patient. At the same time, signifi cant changes in electrophysiological parameters, as well as data of vegetative, emotional, psychometric testing, were obtained. For an objective evaluation of the severity of the tremor, a tremograph with the calculation of an integrative tremographic index was used. Developed a complex of cerebral angiodystonia with hyperkinetic syndrome and the use of antioxidants, nootropic drugs, which allowed to reduce or eliminate subjective experiences, to increase the adaptation capacity of the organism with the normalization of sympatho-parasympathetic relationships, to the normalization of the organism. also inhibition of the implementation of trembling hyperkinesis in both research groups. The average values of the tremographic index decreased towards an adequate distribution with sympathicolytic influence on the indices of vegetative testing and caused skin sympathetic potentials. At the same time, a greater effect was achieved when using the proposed method of treatment, with the maximum — in the syndrome of autonomic dystonia, as well as in the compensated stage of chronic brain ischemia. Keywords: cerebral angioedema, cerebral ischemia, autonomic disorders, tremor, treatment


Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine

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