The possibility of processing small-view hilbertograms by the Gershberg-Papulis method to restore the refractive index of phase objects is discussed. The method consists in iterative transitions from estimating a function in the Fourier plane to estimating it in a coordinate space with an adjustment using a priori information. The spectrum of the function is determined on the entire frequency plane as an iterative process result Numerical simulation of the refractive index reconstruction for various test functions was performed using the Gershberg-Papulis method using Radon data known for four angles. Experimental studies on the Hilbert diagnostics example of reacting media (flames) in a high-speed shooting mode (up to 2000 frames per second) were performed using a four-angle tomographic complex implemented on the basis of an upgraded IAB-463M shadow device.
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
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