Radiation spectra in ionizing gas flows for the QSPA-T installation with a longitudinal field


Klimov Nikolai SergeyevichORCID,Gutorov Konstantin MikhailovichORCID,Kovalenko Dmitry VladimirovichORCID,Kozlov Andrey NikolaevichORCID,Konovalov Venyamin SergeevichORCID,Podkovyrov Vyacheslav LeonidovichORCID,Yaroshevskaya Anna DmitrievnaORCID


The results of calculations of the spectral and integral characteristics of radiation in flows of ionizing gases in the channel of the quasi-stationary plasma accelerator in the presence of an additional longitudinal magnetic field are presented. The numerical model of the radiative magnetogasdynamics is based on the modified transport equations for the multicomponent medium consisting of atoms, ions, and electrons. The MHD equations for two-dimensional axisymmetric flows are presented in terms of the azimuthal components of magnetic field and vector potential of magnetic field, taking into account the electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and radiation transport. The spectral and integral characteristics of radiation were determined within the framework of the 3D model using the method of long characteristics in the multigroup approximation.


Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics


General Medicine

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