On L2-dissipativity of a linearized difference scheme on staggered meshes with a quasi-hydrodynamic regularization for 1D barotropic gas dynamics equations


Zlotnik Alexander Anatolievich12ORCID,Lomonosov Timofey Alexandrovich1ORCID


1. Higher School of Economics University

2. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics


We study an explicit two-level finite difference scheme on staggered meshes, with a quasi-hydrodynamic regularization, for 1D barotropic gas dynamics equations. We derive necessary conditions and sufficient conditions close to each other for L<sup>2</sup>-dissipativity of solutions to the Cauchy problem for its linearization on a constant solution, for any background Mach number M. We apply the spectral approach and analyze matrix inequalities containing symbols of symmetric matrices of convective and regularizing terms. We consider the cases where either the artificial viscosity coefficient or the physical viscosity one is used. A comparison with the spectral von Neumann condition is also given for M=0.


Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics


General Medicine

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