Equations of state for detonation products of explosives


Val'ko Viktor Vasilievich1ORCID,Obraz Oleg Petrovich1,Gasilov Vladimir Anontol’evich1ORCID,Solovyova Valentina Sergeevna1ORCID,Savenko Nikita Olegovych1ORCID


1. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics


A comparative analysis of the equations of state for the detonation products of condensed explosives, which are most used in solving problems of the mechanical action of an explosion, is presented. For the most widespread (cited) equations of state of explosion products in the form of JWL, methods and algorithms are proposed for determining the correctness of specifying the coefficients included in this equation. To solve radiation-gasdynamic problems, including multicomponent mixtures, a version of the thermal equation of state of explosion products in the form of JWL is proposed, and a constant set for the most common explosives is recommended.


Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics


General Medicine

Reference55 articles.

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