In the approximation of one-fluid hydrodynamics, a closed system of Favre-averaged magneto-hydrodynamic equations is formulated, intended for the numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows of electrically conductive media in the presence of a magnetic field. Special emphasis is paid to the method of obtaining, within the framework of irreversible thermodynamics, the constitutive relations for the turbulent flux heat and the total (kinetic plus magnetic) tensor of turbulent stresses. A new approach to modeling the coefficient of turbulent kinematic viscosity for an astrophysical disk is proposed, which takes into account the influence of an external and generated magnetic field, as well as the processes of convective heat transfer on turbulence in a stratified layer of finite thickness, and thereby modifies the Shakura–Sunyaev alpha formalism developed by for a thin disk and widely used in the astrophysical literature.
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics