,Zavelevich M.P.,Shlapatska L.M., ,Philchenkov A.A.,
Summary. Aim: to analyze expression patterns of CD90, CD117, CD123, and CD147 in vitro in different continuous lines of human mature B-cell neoplasms. Objects and methods: expression patterns of the surface antigens on cells of the continuous lines of Burkitt lymphoma (Namalwa and BJAB), Hodgkin lymphoma (КМ-Н2), and follicular lymphoma (Car-1) were analyzed by flow cytometry with monoclonal antibodies against CD90, CD117, CD123, and CD147. Results: BJAB and Namalwa cells did not express CD90 and CD123, while a small fraction of cells (less than 2%) was CD117-positive. КМ-Н2 and Сar-1 cells did not express any of three above mentioned antigens. The percentage of CD147-positive cells in continuous lines of human mature B-cell neoplasms amounted to 80–100%. Conclusions: CD117 expression in cell populations of Burkitt lymphoma continuous cell lines is rather rare. CD90 and CD123 are not expressed in all cell lines of human mature B-cell neoplasms under study. At the same time, ubiquitous pattern of CD147 has been evident.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)