New records of Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae) and Utricularia minor (Lentibulariaceae) from Biloozerskyi National Nature Park (Middle Dnipro Region)


,Shevchyk V.L.ORCID, , ,Solomakha I.V.ORCID, ,Margitych M.M.ORCID, ,Solomakha V.A.ORCID,


New localities of Aldrovanda vesiculosa and Utricularia minor, rare species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, are reported. The studied populations are located in Kyiv Region within Biloozerskyi National Nature Park (Left Bank Forest-Steppe). A significant distribution of A. vesiculosa was observed in the central marshy area of the park and that of U. minor — in four floodplains within the sedge-moss bogs in central and outer parts of the same area. Occurrence of numerous individuals and large populations of A. vesiculosa and U. minor in wetlands in the central part of Biloozerskyi National Nature Park indicate high conservation value of this area. According to the functional zoning scheme, these locations are classified as protected areas, with good prospects for survival and long-term existence of the species. Provided that the current level of irrigation of these wetlands is maintained, threats to the populations of these species can be considered insignificant. Thus there is an obvious need for long-term monitoring of the status of their populations.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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