New records of species of the genus Galerina (Hymenogastraceae) in Ukraine


Prydiuk M.P.,


The article is a continuation of the series of publications on the genus Galerina in Ukraine. In previous publications, those species were considered that are grouped by the presence of remarkable morphological features, for example, tibiiform cystidia, pleurocystidia, or calyptrate spores. This article reports the species of the genus Galerina without any noticeable peculiarities (G. cephalotricha, G. norvegica, G. pumila, and G. triscopa), as well as few recently found in Ukraine species possessing pleurocystidia (G. karstenii) and tibiiform cystidia (G. hybrida and G. tibiicystis) recorded after the relevant articles have been published. The infrageneric position of many of the considered here species still remains indeterminate. For all reported species, their diagnoses, locality data in Ukraine, general distribution in the world, as well as original drawings of their carpophores and microstructures, are provided.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka)

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