Ecological and coenotic differentiation of meadow vegetation of Buzkyi Gard National Nature Park


Shyriaieva D.V.,


The diversity of mesic and wet grasslands for the north part of the steppe zone in the Southern Bug River basin is characterized by the example of Buzkyi Gard National Nature Park and adjacent territories. I classified 39 vegetation relevés with quantitative classification methods (JUICE, TWINSPAN modified algorithm) and obtained seven clusters, which represent three associations, three communities and one derivate community within six alliances (Agrostion vinealis, Althaeion officinalis, Arrhenatherion elatioris, Convolvulo arvensis-Agropyrion repentis, Potentillion anserinae, Veronico longifoliae-Lysimachion vulgaris). Using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Didukh’s ecological scales, I determined the main environmental factors, which explain differentiation of the resulted vegetation units: variability of damping, salt regime of a soil, soil moisture, soil aeration, carbonate content in a soil, light. Characterized vegetation corresponds to six habitat types of the EUNIS classification (R21, R22, R35, R36, R55, V38). I also reviewed the major factors of negative impact on the meadow vegetation of the territory, in particular the changes of traditional land use in the last decades and their consequences. The main measures of management for studied communities should be mowing, moderate grazing, and removal of tree and shrub species if necessary.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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