First records of representatives of the genus Lysurus (Phallaceae, Basidiomycota) in Ukraine


Prydiuk M.P., ,Balahura O.M.,


The first records in Ukraine of two species of the genus Lysurus (Phallaceae, Phallales) are reported. Lysurus mokusin is a rare species in Europe distributed mainly in Southeast Asia. Lysurus sphaerocephalum is widespread in North and South America and thus it is also the first record for Europe. In Ukraine, they both are alien species and their appearance in the country is evidence of climate change. The article provides detailed descriptions of fruit bodies of the collected fungi, including macro- and microscopic characters, their locations, as well as distribution data in Ukraine and worldwide. The distinctions from the related species, L. cruciatus and L. periphragmoides, are described. The article is illustrated by original photographs and drawings.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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