1. G. V. Kurdyumov, L. M. Utevskiy, and R. Y. Ehntin, Prevrashcheniya v Zheleze i Stali [Transformations in Iron and Steel] (Moscow: Nauka: 1977) (in Russian).
2. B. Ya. Lyubov, Kineticheskaya Teoriya Fazovykh Prevrashcheniy [Kinetic Theory of Phase Transformations] (Moscow: Metallurgiya: 1969) (in Russian).
3. Ya. S. Umanskiy and Yu. A. Skakov, Fizika Metallov. Atomnoe Stroenie Metallov i Splavov: Uchebnik dlya Vuzov [Physics of Metals. Atomic Structure of Metals and Alloys: Textbook for Universities] (Moscow: Atomizdat: 1978) (in Russian).
4. A. L. Roytburd, Akademik Georgiy Vyacheslavovich Kurdyumov. Stranitsy zhyzni: Vospominaniya [Academician Georgiy Vyacheslavovich Kurdyumov. Pages of Life: Memoirs] (Moscow: Nauka: 2004) (in Russian).
5. On the genesis of Widmanstätten structure in meteorites and in iron-nickel and iron-carbon alloys