1. 1.Karl Gustaf Bernhard. Nobel Prizes and Nobel Institutes. Laureates of Nobel Prize. Encyclopedia. Mю: Progress, 1992. p. XIX-XXIV. (In Russian).
2. 2.Alden Whiteman. Alfred Nobel. Laureates of Nobel Prize: Encyclopedia. M.: Progress, 1992. p. XI-XVII. (In Russian).
3. 3. Nobel Alfred Bernhard. In.: Volkov VA, Vonskyi EV, Kuznetsova GI. Outstanding Chemists of the World. Biographical Reference Book. Ed. by Kuznetsov VI. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola. 1991. p. 321-322. (In Russian).
4. 4. Alfred Nobel. Biography & Facts. URL: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Alfred-Nobel.
5. 5. Alfred Nobel – His Life and Work. URL: https://www.nobelprize.org/alfred_nobel/biographical/…/life-.