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3. 3. Grebenikov V.V., Pryimak M.V. Electric generator with permanent magnets with a cylindrical magnetic gearbox for a wind turbine. Hidroenerhetyka Ukrayiny. 2017. No 3-4. Pp. 70-74. (Rus)
4. 4. Dobzhanskyi O., Hossain Eklas, Amiri Ebrahim, Gouws R., Grebenikov V., Mazurenko L., Pryjmak M., Gamaliia R. Axial-Flux PM Disk Generator With Magnetic Gear for Oceanic Wave Energy Harvesting. IEEE Access. 2019. Vol. 7. Pp. 44813-44822. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2908348
5. 5. Mazurenko L.I., Bibik O.A., Shykhnenko M.O. Simulation mode and speed control of switched reluctance motor using a converter with the C-dump and the oscillation return of energy at changing switching angles. Visnyk Natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu «KHPI». Seriya: Elektrychni mashyny ta elektromekhanichne peretvorennya enerhiyi.2016. No 11 (1183). Pp. 64-69. (Ukr)