Kovbasa S., ,Kolomiichuk Ye.,
The results of a comparative study of two speed control systems for a DC motor with permanent magnets are presented: a cascaded system based on PI controllers, and a single-loop system developed on the basis of model predictive control methods. The research was carried out by the simulations for the case of speed trajectory tracking task. It is shown that, under the conditions of known parameters, the controller based on predictive control, designed as a system with one input and one output, unlike the system with PI controllers and compensations of derivatives of the reference signal, does not provide asymptotic speed trajectory tracking. The transients during constant load torque compensation are similar, both control schemes provide asymptotical speed regulation with similar performances. In the case of introduc-ing variations of DC motor moment of inertia, the levels of dynamic trajectory tracking errors become commensurate for both control systems. Unlike the system based on PI regulators, the controller based on model predictive control does not need to measure the armature current and provides improved dynamics in voltage limiting modes. Ref. 17, fig. 7. Keywords: model predictive control, DC motor, speed trajectory tracking, PI-controller.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
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