On the basis of mathematical modelling of electromagnetic processes, electrical losses in the metal frames of the two-inductor induction channel furnace in a wide range of specific electrical conductivity of the non-magnetic material of the frames were determined. Research was conducted for two options for sectioning the lower frame of the furnace (vertical and horizontal) and two values of the phase angle between the voltages on the inductors (0 and 180 electrical degrees). For these cases, losses in furnace frames made of ferromagnetic material (construction carbon steel and magnetic stainless steel) were also calculated. Recommendations are presented on the selection of the frame material, the sectioning option and the phase angle between the voltages, which ensure minimal electrical losses. Ref. 13, fig. 4. Key words: induction channel furnace, metal frames, mathematical modelling, electrical losses.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
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