
Kirin R.S.ORCID,


The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the legal regulation of urban-ecological relations during the russian-Ukrainian war (2014-2022). It has been revealed that the directions of development of the system of urban-ecological security, laid down in the current strategies of the national, sectorial, and regional levels, without taking into account the unprecedented military impact on the environment, should be considered rather fragmented and not fully in line with the European integration aspirations of Ukraine. It was revealed that the formation of the legal framework for urban-ecological relations at the level of individual cities and urban facilities took place before the start of full-scale aggression, mainly in areas related to water supply and water resources, protection of atmospheric air and historical monuments, land use, landscaping, urban monitoring, digitalization, cross-border cooperation. In the case of a techno- or anthropogenic impact, it is proposed to proceed from the presence of a composition of impact relations, in which the active action of the subject of influence (the subject of the origin of the impact) on the object of influence can have consequences for the subject of perception (the subject affected by the influence) through the object of perception. The prospects for the legal regulation of relations on compensation for environmental damage and damage caused by military influence, which are accompanied by a certain inconsistency, are given. In particular, after the adoption of relevant normative legal acts of a sub-legal nature, the question arose of consideration of laws on: 1) compensation for damage caused to the victim as a result of armed aggression, 2) legalization of loss calculation methods in accordance with internationally recognized ones, 3) the mechanism of confiscation of the property of the aggressor country in order to carry out work on the restoration of Ukraine, 4) digitalization of data on the damage caused and the profile of the victim.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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