1. 1. In the USA developed the registration system of small drone [online]. Available from: http://www.ato.ru/content/v-ssha-razrabotali-sistemu-registracii-malyh-b...
2. 2. Gosaviasluzhba of Ukraine revised limits on flights drones toward gain in weight, distance and height of flight [online]. Available from: https://interfax.com.ua/news/general/533582.html
3. 3. Lysenko, A.I., Tachinina, E.N., 2015. The Mathematical design of motion quartocopter. Vіsnik AMU. Ser. «Tekhnіka», 2(10), pp. 128-136 (in Russian).
4. 4. Lazarev, V.S., Laschev, A.A., 2018. Development mathematical model of BPLA on a base quartocopter with the frame DJI F-450. The Engineering announcer of Don, Iss. 2 [online]. Available from: ivdon.ru/ru/magazine/archive/ n2y2018/5001
5. 5. Liang, Liu, Popescu, M., Skubic, M., Rantz, M., Yardibi, T., Cuddihy, P., 2011. Automatic fall detection based on Doppler radar motion signature. In: 5th Int. ICST Conf. on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. (PervasiveHealth 2011).Proc. Dublin, Ireland, 23-26 May, 2011. DOI: