Study of the relationship of environmental and energy efficiency indicators at the country level


Maliarenko OlenaORCID, ,Ivanenko NataliiaORCID,Sudarykov OleksandrORCID, ,


The world community strives to develop methods of assessing the most important factors of environmental impact, as well as to develop mechanisms for its adjustment in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the minimum possible level. Increasing environmental efficiency should simultaneously contribute to increasing energy efficiency, which in turn can contribute to increasing the general living standard. When choosing energy-saving measures in industrial technologies, the primary fuel savings and the economic effect of the implementation of the up-to-date technologies are taken into account. This effect, as a rule, includes the cost of saved energy resources, a reduction in operating costs and a reduction in environmental tax. The ecological restrictions determined by Ukraine in the 2021 National Determined Contribution should be taken into account for forecasting primary fuel consumption. As a result, this consumption is limited by the greenhouse gas emissions, which in 2030 should not exceed 35 % compared to 1990. The purpose of the study is to upgrade the existing methodology of comprehensive assessment of energy-saving measures with new environmental restrictions and improved performance indicators based on the identification and formalization of the relationship between energy and environmental indicators. The analysis of the existing environmental indicators and regulatory environmental documents made it possible to choose the environmental indicator of specific CO2 emissions per GDP for the methodology of comprehensive assessment at the country level, to study the regression dependence between this indicator and the fuel capacity of GDP. This graphic analysis allows for determining the marginal fuel capacity of GDP in 2030, which will correspond to the accepted environmental restrictions. Thus, the method of comprehensive assessment of energy-saving measures should be developed for different hierarchical levels of the economy and take into account the marginal fuel capacity of GDP under environmental restrictions. Keywords: GDP energy intensity, specific CO2 emissions, energy efficiency indicators, ecological restrictions.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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