Implementation of position adjustment means quantities of heat consumption


Radko IvanORCID, ,Okushko OleksandrORCID,Nalyvaiko VitaliiORCID, ,


The article examines the scientific results of experimental studies of low energy efficiency of urban residential and communal energy supply. The purpose of the study is to reduce the costs of energy carriers in the field of housing and communal services using the example of residential, educational and industrial buildings of universities. Based on the analysis of the state of energy saving in the field of housing and communal services, a number of main factors influencing the reduction of its energy efficiency have been determined. Among the most important factors that require research is insufficient attention to the technical support of the energy consumption system, namely: outdated electrical equipment, low qualification of service personnel and an ineffective system of promotion of energy saving. According to the results of the conducted research, it was established that the degree of reduction of heat consumption in heating systems depends on heat losses due to the imperfection of factors that affect the reduction of energy efficiency, namely, the enclosing structures, which are determined by the thermophysical properties of the type and characteristics of heat energy meters, as well as through the control system, using which maintains optimal temperature values in building premises during the working day and their minimum permissible values in the evening hours, at night and on weekends. The results of the obtained research made it possible to state that in order to increase the energy efficiency of the heating system of buildings, it is necessary to provide a system of accounting and regulation of the consumption of the building coolant and to ensure the regulation of the coolant depending on the ambient temperature, as well as to limit heat consumption at night and on weekends (holidays). The installation of means of accounting and regulation of heat energy consumption, as well as the creation of a central information and measurement system with subsequent placement, make it possible to conduct operational monitoring of heat flows, which will contribute to reducing the amount of heat energy consumption by an average of up to 35%. Keywords: energy consumption, energy saving, energy efficiency, building, system, accounting, coolant, losses.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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