1. Effect of Cr Dopants on the Structure and Failure Mechanism of TiAlN Multilayered Films
2. Influence of Strength on Susceptibility to Embrittlement of Steels under Action of Stress Raisers
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4. GOST 9454-78. 'Metally. Metody Ispytaniya na Udarnyy Izgib pri Ponizhennykh Komnatnoy i Povashennykh Temperatyrakh' [Metals. Impact Bending Test Method at Low, Room and Elevated Temperatures] (Moscow: Publishing Standards: 1978) (in Russian).
5. GOST 25.506-85. 'Rashchyoty i Ispytaniya na Prochnost. Metody Mekhanicheskikh Ispytaniy Metallov. Opredelenie Kharakteristik Treshchinostoykosti (Vyazkosti Razrusheniya) pri Staticheskom Nagruzhenii' [Calculations and Strength Tests. Methods of Mechanical Testing of Metals. Determination of Fracture Toughness Characteristics (Fracture Toughness) Under Static Loading] (Moscow: Publishing Standards: 1985) (in Russian).