1. P. F. Koshelev and S. E. Belyaev, Prochnost' i Plastichnost' Konstruktsionnykh Materialov pri Nizkikh Temperaturakh [Strength and Plasticity of Structural Materials at Low Temperatures] (Moscow: Mashinostroenie: 1967) (in Russian).
2. G. S. Pisarenko and A. A. Lebedev, Deformirovanie i Prochnost' Materialov pri Slozhnom Napryazhennom Sostoyanii [Deformation and Strength of Materials under Complex Stress State] (Kyiv: Naukova Dumka: 1976) (in Russian).
3. R. Peterson, Koeffitsienty Kontsentratsii Napryazheniy [Stress Concentration Coefficients] (Moscow: Mir: 1977) (in Russian).
4. V. P. Kogaev, N. A. Makhutov, and A. P. Gusenkov, Raschety Detaley Mashin i Konstruktsiy na Prochnost' i Dolgovechnost' [Calculations of Machine Parts and Constructions for Strength and Durability] (Moscow: Mashinostroenie: 1985) (in Russian).
5. A. A. Shmykov, Spravochnik Termista [Thermist's Handbook] (Moscow: Mashgiz: 1961) (in Russian).