Library and Analytical Service in the Conditions of Military and Information Confrontation (case of SIAS NBUV)


Zhelai OxanaORCID,


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

Reference10 articles.

1. Nakaz Ministerstva kultury Ukrainy “Pro realizatsiiu proektu Biblioteky yak tsentry pidtrymky hromady v umovakh voiennoi zahrozy: robota z vnutrishno peremishchenymy osobamy” [Order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine “On the implementation of the project Libraries as community support centers in the conditions of a military threat: work with internally displaced persons”]. (2014). Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy: vebsait - Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: website [in Ukrainian].

2. New Areas of Library Work Help IDPs: Theoretical, Methodological and Applied Aspects

3. Sharabura, O. (2021). Metodychnyi posibnyk dlia treneriv z mediinoi ta informatsiinoi hramotnosti. [Methodical guide for media and information literacy trainers]. Bez Brekhni: vebsait - No Lies: website [in Ukrainian].

4. Peculiarities of using Electronic Resources of National Libraries under Military Confrontation

5. Activities of Analytical and Research Structures of the World’s Leading Libraries in Times of Crisis: SIAS, CPR, RLRB and others







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