1. Nakaz Ministerstva kultury Ukrainy “Pro realizatsiiu proektu Biblioteky yak tsentry pidtrymky hromady v umovakh voiennoi zahrozy: robota z vnutrishno peremishchenymy osobamy” [Order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine “On the implementation of the project Libraries as community support centers in the conditions of a military threat: work with internally displaced persons”]. (2014). Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy: vebsait - Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: website [in Ukrainian].
2. New Areas of Library Work Help IDPs: Theoretical, Methodological and Applied Aspects
3. Sharabura, O. (2021). Metodychnyi posibnyk dlia treneriv z mediinoi ta informatsiinoi hramotnosti. [Methodical guide for media and information literacy trainers]. Bez Brekhni: vebsait - No Lies: website [in Ukrainian].
4. Peculiarities of using Electronic Resources of National Libraries under Military Confrontation
5. Activities of Analytical and Research Structures of the World’s Leading Libraries in Times of Crisis: SIAS, CPR, RLRB and others