Socialization of Economic Subjects as a Condition for the Realization of Social Goals of Society




Socialization of the economy is a process that, on the one hand, involves the subordination of economic processes to the interests of man himself, redistribution of production results, improving working and living conditions in the direction of social goals, and, on the other hand, aimed at assimilating and using social norms, values, patterns of behavior and interaction with society in order to ensure normal functioning. Th e authors of the article are convinced that the socialization of economic entities is an objective process of development of a market-type economic system and a way to solve its problems. Th e market transformation of Ukraine’s economy has led to a number of negative consequences in the so cioeconomic life of the country, which necessitates finding mechanisms for optimal participation of economic entities in the implementation of social goals of society. Th e purpose of the article is to identify the main manifestations of socialization of the state and business in the modern economy in order to determine the level of their socialization in Ukraine in the direction of realization of social goals of society. Th e novelty of the article is the further development of the separation of manifestations of socialization of economic entities, which allowed to assess the level of socialization of the state and business in Ukraine as insuffi cient to realize their potential in achieving social goals of society. Research methods: scientifi c abstraction, analysis, scientifi c generalization, dialectical logic, deductive method. According to the authors, the main manifestations of socialization of the state are the development of its social responsibility and socialization of the budget, while the socialization of business is confi rmed by such aspects of economic life as its social responsibility and the emergence of social entrepreneurship. Th e analysis of the mentioned manifestations of socialization of economic entities in Ukraine allowed to state that the level of socialization of the state and business is insignifi cant. Th e latter is due to the fact that: the level of public welfare is low and is confi rmed by Ukraine’s place in international rankings; social expenditures of the state bud get are insuffi cient, the coeffi cient of their socialization is characterized by a declining trend with low living standards; there are no specifi c mechanisms for spreading social responsibility of business, which has almost no interest, no incentives, no experience of successful implementation of winning projects; incentives on the part of the state for the development of social entrepreneurship are insuffi cient and public awareness of its importance in solving socio-economic problems is low.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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