


A current state of understanding the new economic realities and the role of economic education in it are shown. The conclusion is substantiated that the main content of economic education should be the formation of an economic way of thinking that can be provided only on the basis of learning the economic theory. This theory equips man with the means of disclosing the essence in unity with its external forms of manifestation and thus provides the mean for choosing the adequate measures of influence on the economic reality in order to transform it in proper direction. The main components of the formation of economic thinking are revealed. The disciplines providing the qualitative, quantitative and dimensional analysis of economic phenomena and processes, as well as disciplines of logical-historical, subject-functional and functional-level cycles, are determined. The interrelation of economy, finance and management on the micro, macro and international levels of their functioning is characterized. Changes to the list of knowledge and specialties branches, the content of economic education and the organization of highly qualified specialists training are proposed. It is reasonable to allocate the economics from the field of knowledge “Social and behavioral sciences” into a particular branch and its combination with finance and management, which today belong to the field of knowledge “Management and administration”. Proposals are also submitted that aimed at improving the content of education in the magistracy and organizing the training of Ph.D in economics and doctors of science in economics. Based on the above, it is concluded that economic education is a necessary mediating link and a path from economic theory, which is a way of mental exploration of economic reality, to the use of the system of economic categories and laws as means of determining tools to influence real economic phenomena and processes. Therefore, the practical function of economic theory lies, first of all, in its ability to find ways of transforming the reality adequate to the economic system. And efficient and effective practical recommendations can be formulated on this basis only.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka)

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