


The importance of economic security as a component of national security of Ukraine is substantiated, the concept of “economic security” is revealed, the reasons of its threats are analyzed, namely foreign economic, foreign policy and internal. The properties and role of economic security of the region as an independent economic category are analyzed. Different points of view on the concept of “economic security” are shown, the basic scientific approaches to definition of this concept are highlighted. The category "economic security at the regional level" is considered as a multicomponent phenomenon, the sum of its individual components. The directions of ensuring the economic security of the state at the regional level are shown. The functional features of the system of achieving economic security are analyzed, the functions of economic security at the state and regional levels are given, namely protective, regulatory, preventive, innovative, diagnostic, social. The characteristics of the complex implementation of the above functions are outlined, in particular, resistance to exogenous and endogenous threats, the ability of the regional economic system to self-reproduction and self-development, economic self-sufficiency, strength of links between elements of the regional economy, ability to use competitive advantages economic security of the region at the regulatory level, the balance of interregional relations. The main problems that threaten the national economic security at the regional level are named, the main threats to the economic security of the regions and the main directions of the strategy of optimizing economic security are highlighted. It is concluded that the regional aspect is clearly distinguished in all the variety of problems of national economic security of the country. It is proved that the achievement of economic security of the region provides socio-economic and socio-political stability, proper level and quality of life. In order to achieve the maximum effect of program-targeted management, it is necessary to ensure the completeness of the targeted comprehensive program of economic security of the region, which should be implemented in stages.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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