The institution of conditional social transfers, the institutionalization of which will contribute to increasing the efficiency of Ukraine's social policy and improving the quality of human capital, is considered. The importance of their application in Ukraine’s social policy is substantiated. The positive and debatable aspects of this tool within the scope of social protection of the population,. Proposals are drawn up regarding the development of the inclusive function of social protection: which will contribute to: increasing the opportunities for socialization in various spheres of life, promoting the accumulation of human capital and increasing social mobility through the development of the institution of conditional social transfers, , namely cash assistance, which is provided as a means to combat poverty, equalize incomes and increase the households’ social inclusion degree with mandatory conditions for its use. The conditions of aid spending, which should be implemented in social protection in Ukraine to strengthen the inclusive function, are defined, including education, culture, sports, investment in the human capital of children, influence on diet composition, medical care, purchase of medicines, stimulation of domestically produced goods and services consumption, participation in active employment programs, socially beneficial activities. It is proposed to implement such a requirement for receiving social assistance by able to work members of society, as participation in employment programs of state employment agencies. It is determined that the institutionalization of social protection of working age population should take place in the direction of increasing the sensitivity of the connection between social contributions, access to social benefits and social protection, since in this case an individual will feel like a member of society, counting on protection from the state and being interested in working under the conditions of formal employment.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
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