1. 1. I.R. Yukhnovskii, Preprint ITF-88-30R (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, 1988) (in Russian).
2. Phase Transitions of the Second Order
3. 3. I.R. Yukhnovskii, M.P. Kozlovskii, and I.V. Pylyuk, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 57, 83 (2012).
4. 4. R.J. Baxter, Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics (Academic Press, London, 1982).
5. 5. A.K. Zvezdin, V.M. Matveev, A.A. Mukhin, and A.A. Popov, Rare-Earth Ions in Magnetically Ordered Crystals (Nauka, Moscow, 1985) (in Russian).