1. 1. I.I. Adamenko, L.A. Bulavin. Physics of Liquids and Liquid Systems (ASMI, 2006) (in Ukrainian) [ISBN: 966-7653-32-3].
2. 2. A. Furrer, J. Mesot, Th. Strassle. Neutron Scattering In Condensed Matter Physics (WSPC, 2009) [ISBN-13: 978-9810248314].
3. 3. L.A. Bulavin. Neutron Diagnostics of Liquid Matter State (Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants, 2012) (in Ukrainian) [ISBN: 978-966-02-6196-3].
4. 4. L.A. Bulavin, O.A. Kyzyma, A.V. Nosovskyi. Neutron Diagnostics of Fullerene Solutions (Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants, 2019) (in Ukrainian) [ISBN: 978-966-02-8922-2].
5. 5. L.A. Bulavin, N.V. Vygornitskii, N.I. Lebovka. Computer Modeling of Physical Systems (Intellekt, 2011) (in Russian)[ISBN: 978-5-91559-101-0].