
Shekhovtsov L. V.,


The diagnostic method is as follows: the lateral photo-EMF spectral characteristics are measured, generated in the structure (or device) when illuminated by wavelength light with a near the edge of the basic semiconductor layer. For illustrations of efficiency method the given part of the measurement results for Schottky contact samples with a nitrogen concentration of 5% and a thermal annealing temperature of 900 and 950°C. It has been found that a significant character and a small amplitude of such a characteristic indicates qualitative at a homogeneity and the necessary magnitude of the potential barrier (or barriers), that it is necessary to form to make Schottky contact or other structure. A significant characteristic and a small amplitude of such a characteristic indicates a qualitative one-line and the required value of a potential barrier (or barriers) that must be formed for the manufacture of a semiconductor structure or device. If the spectral characteristic has one maximum and amplitude that is many times higher than the amplitude of a significant characteristic, then this indicates a formed transition layer between components of heterosystems with high, compared with a quasine-power region of semiconductor, conductivity. The presence of such a layer increases the probability breaks down of the microelectronic device. Investigation of the distribution of lateral photours along the metal semiconductor interface compliant interpretation of spectral characteristics features. The linear significant form of distribution of EMF confirms the presence of a transition layer with a lower doping level compared with GaAs. An important feature of the diagnostic method is its non-destructive character, as well as the possibility of applying to semiconductor or devices based on them, in which the photovoltaic effect may occur.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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