Vadim Evgenievich Lashkarev and optoelectronics


,Smertenko P.S.


On 7 October 2023, the scientific community celebrated the 120th anniversary of the birth of Vadym Yevhenovych Lashkariov, a physicist, discoverer of the p-n junction, teacher, organiser of science, and simply a smart and decent person (07.10.2003 - 01.12.1974). In our opinion, the significance and influence of V.E. Lashkarev on the further development of physics, in particular semiconductor physics in Ukraine, has not been sufficiently revealed, although a number of articles have been published over the past decades on the life and scientific work of Vadym Yevhenovych. This article aims to look at the scientific work of Vadym Yevhenovych in the light of the newly emerging field of optoelectronics. The article shows some new aspects of the life and work of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Vadym Yevhenovych Lashkariov, which are based on documents signed by him personally. Despite the blows of fate: exile and the Second World War, Vadym Yevhenovych retained his scientific inspiration and a far-sighted vision of the development of a new scientific field - semiconductor physics. The directions of the V. Lashkarev scientific school of semiconductor physics are analysed in details: studies of generation-recombination processes and electronic transport in semiconductors and semiconductor structures; theoretical and experimental studies of surface phenomena in semiconductors; theoretical and experimental studies of electronic transfer of two- dimensional free charge carriers in semiconductor nanostructures; studies of electrophysical and photoelectric effects in semiconductors and layered structures. Some examples of monographs and articles by students and followers of the V. Lashkarev scientific school, who developed the initial scientific fields and modernised the physics of semiconductors, are given.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

Reference156 articles.

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