1. 1. Food safety risk communication resources. Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. A joint project between the University of Maryland and the United States Food and Drug Administration.
2. URL: http://www.foodriskclearinghouse.umd.edu/risk_comm_foodsafety.cfm. (Last accessed: 23.01.2018).
3. 2. Buchanan, R. L. (2010). Bridging Consumers' Right to Know and Food Safety Regulations Based on Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment of Foods. In C.-H. Lee (Ed.). KAST Press: Korea.
4. 3. Byrd, D. M., Cothern, C. R. (2000). Introduction to risk analysis. ABS Consulting, Government Institutes Division, Rockville, Maryland.
5. 4. Zakon Ukrainy № 774/97-VR «Pro vydavnychu spravu» vid 23 hrudnia 1997 r. [in Ukrainian].