1. 1. Eh. G. Bratuta and A. R. Pereselkov, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, 27, No. 5: 923 (1974) (in Russian).
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3. 3. Yu. M. Tananayko and E. G. Vorontsov, Metody Rashchyota i Issledovaniya Plyonochnykh Protsessov [Methods of Calculation and Investigation of Film Processes] (Kiev: Tekhnika: 1975) (in Russian).
4. 4. M. Wicks and A. E. Dukler, Novyy Metod Izmereniya Raspredeleniya Razmerov Kapel' Elektroprovodnoy Zhidkosti v Dvukhfaznom Potoke [A New Method for Measuring the Size Distribution of Electrically Conductive Liquid Droplets in a Two-Phase Flow] (Moscow: Nauka: 1970) (in Russian).
5. 5. Eh. G. Bratuta, Diagnostika, Raschyot i Intensifikatsiya Protsessov s Dispersnymi Gazozhidkostnymi Potokami v Ob'yektakh Ehnergetiki Metallurgii i Apparatakh Zashchity Okruzhayushchey Sredy [Diagnostics, Calculation and Intensification of Processes with Dispersed Gas-Liquid Flows in Energy Facilities of Metallurgy and Environmental Protection Devices] (Thesis of Disser. for Dr. Tekhn. Sci.) (Kharkov: KhPI: 1986) (in Russian).