Behavioral risk factors’ prevention among children and adolescents in the family physician and pediatrician’ practice


Botsyuk N.Ye., ,Babinets L.S.,


The medical model of prevention among adolescents in the practice of a family physicians is focused on the medical and social consequences of behavioral risk factors and involves a multidisciplinary approach, interaction with the non-governmental sector, and the development of youth volunteerism. The introduction of new teaching methods, including the «project method», contributes to the formation of professional competence of future family physicians at the undergraduate level. The goal is to analyze the main problems of prevention of behavioral risk factors among adolescent children, the role of the family physician and pediatrician, the effectiveness of implementing the project method in teaching the discipline «general practice-family medicine» at the undergraduate level. Materials and methods. We have analyzed the main components of the family doctor’s preventive work among teenagers. The method of project activity of sixth-year students was implemented in the practical training of students. The basis of the application of project technology was the presence of a problem of medical and social factors affecting the health of a teenager, which requires integrated knowledge and a research search for its solution. Students created and implemented medical and social prevention projects among teenagers. The results. As a result of working on the project, the students found a specific solution to the problem and a specific result suitable for implementation. This approach creates conditions for creative development and self-realization of students, formation of all necessary professional and general life competencies. Conclusion: 1.A comprehensive approach to preventive measures among adolescents is an important component of maintaining the health of adolescents. 2. The problems of medical and social factors affecting adolescent health include not only the work of a family doctor and pediatrician or government regulation, but also interaction with the non-governmental sector and the development of youth volunteerism. 3. Participation in preventive measures among teenagers of sixth-year students through the implementation of the project method helps them master basic knowledge, ensures the formation of professional competences, communicative and social skills, skills, and creative abilities.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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