The implementation of the Urban Health concept in Asian countries from the past to the present: evidence for Ukraine


Demochko H. L., ,Robak I.Yu.,


The article is devoted to the historical analysis of the implementation of the concept of a healthy urban environment in the leading countries of Asia — the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, and Japan. It is interesting to analyze the idea of Urban Health under the prism of medical regional studies, which today has opened up new opportunities for researchers. Purpose: to explore the experience of Asian countries from the past to the present and demonstrate the practical steps implemented by the governments of the countries to improve the health of the urban population. The results of the studio clearly demonstrate the powerful synergy of the research crossover of medical local history in combination with the concept of creating a healthy urban environment, which can be used in the search for the best modern solutions for the post-war reconstruction of the cities of Ukraine that suffered from russian aggression.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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