Prospects of discovery of gas deposits at shally depths in the east of the Dnipro-Donets basin of Ukraine


Lazaruk Yaroslav


The object of research was the Ustynivka area, which is located in the north-eastern part of the Dnipro-Donets basin on the border between the northern board and axial part of the region. The geological structure of the area is illuminated from positions of gravitational tectogenesis. Two echelons of brachianticlinal uplifts, genetically related to the Krasnoritsk and Muratove-Tuba discharges, have been identified in the Carboniferous deposits. They were formed in nonconsolidated strata under conditions of stretching and rapid lowering of the Dnipro-Donets graben. Seismic surveys have revealed seven anticlines. Their feature is the orientation of structures along arcuate tectonic faults, asymmetry and displacement of anticlines with a depth to the southwest. According to the geomorphological features of the river valley of the Siverskyi Donets, a new uplift is predicted in the lowered block of the Tuba fault. In the Voronove anticline, three gas deposits have been established in the Bashkirian stratum. Nearby are Borivske, Muratove, Yevgeniivka, Krasnopopivka and other gas-condensate fields. Therefore, the gravigenic structures of the Ustynivka area are promising for the discovery of new deposits. Promising horizons of the Bashkirian stratum are at shallow depths: from 2 to 2.5 km. Our estimated gas reserves and resources of the Ustynivka area are 262 and 2100 million m3, respectively. Recommendations are given to clarify the form of gravigenic tectonic faults and related anticlines. The tasks for detailed seismic surveys and drilling are defined. The location of exploration and prospecting boreholes is proposed. Considering the displacement of the vaults of gravigenic structures with depth, to open the productive stratum in the apical parts of the uplifts, we recommend drilling inclined boreholes in the southwestern direction. Tasks for industrial development of deposits of Voronove structure are defined.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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